August 24 2024 Tamil Calendar

August 24 2024 Tamil Calendar

tamil 2022 calendar august
tamil 2022 calendar august
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As someone who has always been fascinated by Tamil culture and traditions, I was eagerly looking forward to August 24, 2024, which marks an important day in the Tamil calendar. This day is celebrated with great pomp and show across Tamil Nadu and other parts of the world where Tamilians reside. In this article, I will share my personal experience of celebrating August 24, 2024, and provide a comprehensive guide to the festivals and events that take place on this day.

The Significance of August 24 in Tamil Calendar

August 24, 2024, is celebrated as Avani Avittam, which is one of the most important festivals in the Tamil calendar. This day marks the beginning of the Aavani month, which is considered auspicious for performing various rituals and ceremonies. It is believed that on this day, Lord Brahma recited the Gayatri Mantra to Lord Vishnu, and hence, this day is also known as Gayatri Japam.

Avani Avittam: The Rituals and Ceremonies

On August 24, 2024, Tamilians wake up early in the morning and take a bath before dawn. They wear new clothes and perform the Avani Avittam rituals, which involve changing the sacred thread (yagnopavitam) and reciting the Gayatri Mantra. This ritual is performed by Brahmins and is believed to purify their mind, body, and soul.

After the ritual, Tamilians offer prayers to Lord Vishnu and seek his blessings for a prosperous life. They also offer food to the poor and needy and distribute sweets and other delicacies among family and friends.

Festivals Celebrated on August 24, 2024

Apart from Avani Avittam, there are several other festivals and events that take place on August 24, 2024. Some of the major festivals celebrated on this day are:

  • Aadi Perukku: This festival is celebrated by women in Tamil Nadu to mark the beginning of the monsoon season. Women offer prayers to the river goddess and seek her blessings for a bountiful harvest.
  • Aadi Amavasya: This is an important day for Tamilians as it marks the beginning of the Tamil New Year. On this day, people visit temples and seek the blessings of the deities for a prosperous year ahead.
  • Varalakshmi Vratam: This is a popular festival celebrated by women in Tamil Nadu to seek the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. Women fast on this day and offer prayers to the goddess for wealth and prosperity.


Q. What is Avani Avittam?

Avani Avittam is an important ritual performed by Brahmins to change their sacred thread (yagnopavitam) and recite the Gayatri Mantra. It is celebrated on August 24, 2024.

Q. What are the other festivals celebrated on August 24, 2024?

Other major festivals celebrated on August 24, 2024, are Aadi Perukku, Aadi Amavasya, and Varalakshmi Vratam.

Q. Why is August 24, 2024, an important day in the Tamil calendar?

August 24, 2024, marks the beginning of the Aavani month and is considered auspicious for performing various rituals and ceremonies. It is also celebrated as Avani Avittam, which is an important ritual for Brahmins.

Overall, August 24, 2024, is a special day for Tamilians as it marks the beginning of an auspicious month and is celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm. Whether you are a Tamilian or someone who is interested in learning about Tamil culture and traditions, this day is definitely worth experiencing!